The 12 landscapes of Alt Camp
The 12 landscapes of Alt Camp
Alt Camp is a region that invites you to stroll around, a kind of Tuscany which, according to the poets, opens to the sea and the mountains, in one of the most beautiful and unknown places in Catalunya. We invite you to visit the 12 most visited landscapes in the region.
1. The Capona Route
Dry Stone Constructions
Location: El Pla de Santa Maria
2- Niu de l'Àliga
The spectacular horsetail waterfall and sources of the Glorieta river
Location: Alcover
3- Tossal Gros (876 m) and Miramar
View of the Camp de Tarragona and Conca de Barberà
Location: Figuerola del Camp
4- The Pine of Puigpelat
Originally on the Retorts road and the Camino del Agua
Location: Puigpelat
5- The Castles of Gaià
A tour of the ancient medieval castles around the Gaià river.
Location: Querol, Pinyana, Ramonet, Selma, el Albà, Vila-rodona, Vilardida, Rodonyà, Montferri, Vilabella. 6.
6- Mont-ral and the Glorieta
The Prades mountains, the regional roof and the sources of the Glorieta river.
Location: Mont-ral, Alcover.
7- The Brugent and Farena
Pools, ponds, fountains and paper mills.
Location: La Riba, Farena.
8- The Pont de Goi and the Francolí
The environment of the French War battle and the Francolí river.
Location: Picamoixons, Alcover, La Masó, Vallmoll, El Rourell.
9- The castles of Selmella and Saburella
Farmhouses, medieval castles and the Vallespinosa road.
Location: El Pont d'Armentera
10- La Voltorera, the Puig de Cabdells and the Cogulló
A tour of the ridge between Camp de Tarragona and Conca de Barberà.
Location: Cabra del Camp
11- The Santes Creus poplar grove
Leisure spot in a forest on the banks of the Gaià river.
Location: Santes Creus, Aiguamúrcia.
12- The Cistercian Route GR-175
Official route that connects the monasteries of Santes Creus, Vallbona and Poblet.
Location: Figuerola del Camp, El Pla de Santa Maria, Santes Creus, El Pont
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