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A tour through different spaces of the Old Quarter of Valls that are part of the life and work of the Vallenc writer Narcís Oller (1846 – 1930). Oller is known as the "father of the modern Catalan novel". The Vallenc novelist is situated between the romantic movement and realism and lays the foundations of a literary genre in Catalan that gained momentum and European prestige in the latter part of the 19th century, in the same way that Jacint Verdaguer renewed poetry and Àngel Guimera the theater.

It is part of the self-guided routes offered by the Valls Tourism Office.

Address: C/ de la Cort, 3 (43800)

Phone number: 977 61 25 30

E-mail: turisme@valls.cat

Web: https://www.valls.cat/llocs-interes-rutes

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