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Hiking and cycling

The Alt Camp is an interior county of Tarragona region, from one side overlooks the Mediterranean Sea, from the other is surrounded by mountains, some of which reach nearly 1000 m: Mola Roquerola, Puig Formigosa, Montagut, Voltorera or Tossal Gros. At his feet lies the large plain, which together with the modest rivers that crisscross this area -namely Gaià, Francolí and Brugent- constitute a great diversity of landscapes typically Mediterranean, with a predominance of pine and oak and various crops.


Active Tourism in the Alt Camp

The Alt Camp, is a county comprising a range of landscape. It will help all those who love nature when practicing their favourite activity: hiking, cycling, horse riding, hunting, fishing, etc. For this reason, we have had a strong interest in colleting the large network of rural roads, and specially the signposted historic paths and trails approved GR© PR© and SL© which run through the county. It is important to take into account that this region was one of the pioneers in having signposted trails, and the signalling and marking is currently maintained and promoted by the Consell Comarcal de l’Alt Camp, with close collaboration with hiking organizations and the FEEC (Federation of Hiking Organizations of Catalonia).


The signposted trails GR© and PR©

All the GR© and PR© running through our county have, in addition, vertical signs approved by Tourism of Catalonia, as well as the necessary equipment: railings, stairs, walkways, grade steps, etc wherever required to guarantee users’ safety.

In the Alt Camp we find the following approved trails:

  • Long distance trails: GR 7  /  GR 7-8  /  GR 172  /  GR 172-1  /  GR 175 the Cistercian Route /  GR 175-1  /  GR 175-4.
  • Short distance trails:  PR-C 1  /  PR-C 2  /  /  PR-C 3  /  PR-C 4  /  PR-C 5  /  PR-C 5-1  /  PR-C 8  /  PR-C 8-1  /  PR-C 8-2  /  PR-C 20  /  PR-C 20-1  /  PR-C 20-2 / PR-C 85 Water Path.
  • Local trails: SL “A walk by the region” and SL by Farena surroundings.


Other signposted routes

The 12 hiking routes proposed by the guide Hiking Routes in Alt Camp, edited by Consell Comarcal, deserve special attention for their value. (It can be purchased at the Consell tourist office). The 12 tracks chosen, of length and difficulty to suit all tastes and levels, bring us closer to the most relevant places of the county and allow us to see the landscape diversity of the Alt Camp.

Particularly noteworthy is the network of small paths of a more local sort, which can be found in municipalities such as: Aiguamúrcia, Cabra del Camp, Figuerola del Camp, El Pla de Santa Maria, Nulles, Montferri, Vallmoll, Valls, Vilabella,... These are short distance routes, all very well signposted, most of them related to nature, history, rural architecture, etc. Some even have topographical guide and/ore an explanatory leaflet, which you can get at the Town Hall.

Also the way to Santiago of Galicia, which begins in Tarragona and reaches Lleida to join the main Catalan way, crosses the county coinciding on a sector with GR 172-1.

If you want to get all the route tracks, click HERE to enjoy them!


The TRAVEL COMPANIES that schedule routes in the high field are:

Brogit Viatges: Custom hiking around GR-175.

Muntania: Enjoy La Ruta del Cister by cycling. 

Camins Km0: Programmes, activities and routes to discover the agricultural and rural landscape of Alt Camp.


Practical information

Primary Care Teams (PCTs) are the group of professionals who care for the population of a given basic health area (ABS) in primary care centers (CAPs) and local clinics. In the Alt Camp there are:

- PCT Alt Camp Est

Adress: Carrer de les Escoles, 6. 43814 Vila-rodona, Tarragona

Phone number: 977 63 87 10

Schedule: monday to sunday from 8h to 20h. Night schedule: Pius Hospital de Valls

- PCT Valls Urbà

Adress: Carrer de la Vallvera, 8. 43800 Valls, Tarragona.

Phone number: 977 60 20 00

Schedule: monday to friday from 8h to 20h. Saturday from 8h to 15h. Sunday and festive: Pius Hospital de Valls. Night schedule: Pius Hospital de Valls.

- PCT Alt Camp Oest

Adress: Carrer Fonts del Glorieta, s/n. 43460 Alcover, Tarragona.

Phone number: 977 76 06 90

Schedule: monday to sunday from 8h to 20h. Night schedule: Pius Hospital de Valls.

- Pius Hospital de Valls

Adress: Plaça de Sant Francesc, 1. 43800 Valls, Tarragona. 

Phone numbers: 977 61 30 00 Switchboard, 977 61 20 20 Urgency, 977 60 91 64 Citizen attention.

Schedule: Urgency 24h / 7 days a week.


Pharmacies Alt Camp:



For another emergencies, call 112.


Alt Camp's meteorological information:


Start and end point: sources of Canelles de Santa Coloma de Queralt - Tamarit. Distance: 62,850 km. by SolomÓ; 60,660 km. by Renau. Type of route: linear. Physical difficulty(*): moderate. Technical difficulty(*): sections of asphalt, steep slopes, sections where you have to cross the river and ...
PDF: The domains of Querol and the Tower of Pinyana
PDF: From Nulles to Vilabella
PDF: Contrasts of the plane
PDF: Old lordship of Selma
PDF: Old term of Albà
PDF: Francolí river valley
PDF: Around Montagut and Puig Formigosa
PDF: Around the Serra de Selmella
PDF: Between Mont-ral and Farena


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