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Festivals and fairs of the Alt Camp


-El Pont d'Armentera: Feast of Sant Crist (day 3)

-El Pla de Santa Maria: Feast of Sant Ramon (days 6 and 7)

-Alió · Nulles · La Masó · Montferri · Rodonyà · Vallmoll and Vila-rodona: Feast of Sant Sebastià (day 20)

-Valls: Feast of the "3 Tombs" (Sunday before Sant Antoni)

-Valls: Great "Calçotada" Festival (last Sunday of the month)

-Valls: International poultry exhibition-competition (last weekend of the month)

-Valls: National Dog Show (last Sunday of the month)

-Valls: "Calçot" Gastronomic Day (last Saturday of the month)

-Valls: "Calçotada" market (last weekend of the month)


-Valls: Feasts of Our Lady of the Candela (day 2). The Decennial Festivals are celebrated every 10 years, the years ending in 1 (those close to 2031)


-Puigpelat: Feast of Our Lady of Milk and Pine Feast (according to Holy Week between March and April)

-Valls: "Escudellada popular" (alternate years - the next one in 2024)

-Picamoixons: Saint Joseph's winter festival (day 19)


-Puigpelat: Feast of Our Lady of Milk and Pine Feast (according to Holy Week between March and April)

-Alcover: Gathering at the Hermitage of Remei (Easter Monday)

-Querol: Gathering in Valldossera (first Sunday after Easter)

-Sant Jordi, Patron Saint of Catalonia, Book and Rose Day (23rd)

-Montferri: Gathering at the Sanctuary of Montserrat (Sunday before the 27th)

-El Plan de Santa Maria: Bike Festival (Sunday closest to Sant Jordi)

-Valls: Popular "favatada"

-Valls: Holy Friday Procession (Holy Week)


-Cabra del Camp: Feast of Sant Crist (first Saturday)

-Cabra del Camp: Major festival (days 6 and 7)

-El Milà, Nulles: Major summer festival for Sant Isidre (15th)

-Les Pobles: Major festival (1st Sunday)


-Bráfim: Spring gathering, at the Sanctuary of Loreto (first Sunday)

-Valls: Sant Joan (days 23 to 25)

-El Rourell: Sant Pere (29)


-Cabra del Camp: Harvest Festival (first Sunday)

-La Masó · El Pont d'Armentera: Santa Magdalena (day 19)

-Bràfim · Els Garidells · Esblada Figuerola del Camp · Querol: Sant Jaume Apostol (day 25)

-Nulles (last weekend)


-Vilabella · La Riba (first weekend)

-El Pla de Manlleu · Puigpelat (first Sunday)

-Cabra del Camp: "Festa del Batre" (first Sunday)

-Valls: FIRAGOST (first Wednesday and previous day)

-Vila-rodona: Sant Llorenç (day 10)

-Aiguamúrcia · El Pla de Santa Maria · Querol · Vallmoll: Santa Maria (15)

-Montferri: gathering at the Sanctuary (15)

-Santes Creus · Alió · Montferri: Sant Bartomeu (24)

-Cabra del Camp · Mont-ral: Exaltation of the Holy Cross (third weekend)

-Rodonyà: Sant Joan beheaded (last weekend)


-Valls: "castells" day (10 a.m. to sunset)

-National Day of Catalonia, cultural activities in all towns (September 11)

-Farena (second weekend)


-Alcover: bandoliers fair (second weekend)

-El Pla de Santa Maria: autumn fair (second weekend)

-El Milà: Santa Ursula (21)

-Alcover (third weekend)

-Valls: fair of Santa Úrsula (21st or following Sunday)


-Vila-rodona: agricultural fair (first weekend last All Saints)

-La Riba: Sant Andreu (last Friday of the month)


-Bráfim: Our Lady of Loreto (10)

-Santes Creus: fair of Santa Llúcia (13)

-Valls: FICAP, fair of capons and birds (Saturday before Christmas)

-Valls: Christmas market (second weekend)

-Valls: representation of Els pastorets

-Figuerola del Camp: Our Lady of Hope (18)


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Veniu a descobrir llegendes mil·lenàries carregades d’històries de castells i torres, de passadissos secrets, de tresors amagats, de bandolers, de llops i fades i de fets miraculosos... Una oportunitat per reviure, amb els cinc sentits, el món llegendari poble a poble de l’Alt Camp. MONTFERRI La ...
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